April 2024 - Queenstown Monthly Data Snapshot
Destination Queenstown's Monthly Data Snapshot aims to provide members with access to topline information about the prior month's performance. These insights have been gathered from the Visitor Insights Dashboard on the Member Hub. The Data and Insights section of hub provides members with one convenient location for publicly available tourism data, purchased data, DQ-commissioned research, and the Forward Outlook.
April 2024
In April 2024, the Queenstown region recorded 297,000 guest nights, a 2% increase from April 2023, and the average occupancy rate was 74%, compared to 70% in April 2023. Visitor expenditure amounted to $72.1 million, a decline compared to April 2023. This decrease can be partly attributed to Easter not falling fully in April this year. While domestic spending was down, international expenditure increased by 12%, with the "Rest of Asia" category (which includes India) experiencing a 44% rise, making this category this the third-largest market after the USA and Australia.
Note: expenditure figures aren't inflation adjusted.