January 2024 - Queenstown Monthly Data Snapshot
Destination Queenstown's Monthly Data Snapshot aims to provide members with access to topline information about the prior month's performance. These insights have been gathered from the Member Data and Insights Hub. The hub provides members with one convenient location for publicly available tourism data, purchased data, DQ-commissioned research, and the Forward Outlook.
Changes in the tourism data ecosytem and DQ's Data Sources
Recently two key national data sources have been suspended - the Visitor Local Population Estimates (VLPEs) which provided visitor numbers and the Monthly Regional Tourism Estimates (MRTEs) which provided spending data. The ongoing deterioration of national tourism datasets is disappointing and DQ is continuing to raise concerns with industry bodies and investigating suitable replacements. To safeguard the quality of our insights, DQ remains committed to investing in privately sourced datasets such as Marketview visitor spend. This month we have also included data from the Accommodation Data Programme which covers commercial accommodation guest nights and occupancy results.
January 2024
In January 2024, visitor expenditure in the Queenstown region reached nearly $100 million, a 2% increase from the same period last year and a notable 13% increase compared to 2019. The USA remains the strongest international market, with expenditures totaling $19.1 million - an impressive 67% increase from January 2019. The region hosted 375,000 guest nights, aligning with figures from January 2019 and reflecting an 8% uptick from January 2023.