December 2023 - Queenstown Monthly Data Snapshot

Destination Queenstown's Monthly Data Snapshot aims to provide members with access to topline information about the prior month's performance. These insights have been gathered from the Member Data and Insights Hub. The hub provides members with one convenient location for publicly available tourism data, purchased data, DQ-commissioned research, and the Forward Outlook. 

Removal of Cumulative Monthly Visitor Counts data source
Unfortunately Tourism New Zealand and StatsNZ recently announced their decision to cut the Visitor and Local Population Estimate source, which provided data for our Cumulative Monthly Visitor Counts so we could understand visitor numbers in Queenstown. DQ is actively exploring interim solutions and we’re writing a submission outlining our concerns about losing consistent, reliable, nationally available visitation data. If you’ve found this data source useful, please contact Eilidh Blanchard so we can include your feedback in DQ’s submission.

December 2023
In December 2023, Queenstown's tourism-related expenditure reached $90 million, marking a 4% increase from December 2022 and a 7% rise from 2019. International visitor spending accounted for $53m, 21% up on December 2022 and equal to December 2019. Domestic expenditure decreased 14%, but was still up 19% on 2019. Queenstown's visitor experience results continued to strengthen with Net Promoter Score reaching 72 for the last 12 months returning to close to 2019 results.
Note: expenditure figures aren't inflation adjusted.


The Visitor Experience Survey is a survey of visitors to the Queenstown Lakes region. The results are shared quarterly and outline a variety of experience aspects including; visitor motivations, connection with people and place, activities/attractions, net promoter score and overall visitor experience satisfaction. The Visitor Experience Survey is Destination Queenstown and Lake Wānaka Tourism's collaborative research initiative facilitated by tourism research experts Angus & Associates.

Net promoter score (NPS)

Overall visitor experience satisfaction score 

[Source: Queenstown Visitor Experience Survey, Destination Queenstown facilitated by Angus & Associates.]
Sample size = 783. Last 12 months refers to 1 January 2023 - 31 December 2023, last 3 months refers to 1 October - 30 December 2023.


Visitor expenditure refers to money spent on tourism-related activities while in Queenstown. DQ uses Marketview visitor spend figures as our expenditure measure. Marketview visitor expenditure is based on visitor in-person card transactions and does not include estimates for cash, online transactions and pre-bookings.
Note: this source is not adjusted to account for inflation.

December 2023 snapshot

Source: Worldline/Marketview Tourism Data Tool. 1 - 31 December 2023.
vs prior year - percentage change vs same month 2022, vs 2019 - percentage change vs same month 2019.

Total visitor expenditure

Source: Worldline/Marketview Tourism Data Tool. 1 January 2019 - 31 December 2023.

Visitor expenditure by region/country of origin December 2023

Source: Worldline/Marketview Tourism Data Tool. 1 - 31 December 2023.

Visitor expenditure by local sub-region December 2023

Source: Worldline/Marketview Tourism Data Tool. 1 - 31 December 2023.

The number of passengers that arrived through Queenstown Airport. 

December 2023 snapshot

Source: Queenstown Airport Passenger History. 1 - 31 December2023.
vs prior year: percentage change vs same month 2022

Total passenger arrivals

Source: Queenstown Airport Passenger History. 1 January 2019 - 31 December 2023

The Queenstown Monthly Data Snapshots are gathered from the

Member Data and Insights Hub.