DQ Consumer Marketing Update

Visitation over the last quarter shows recovery coming quickly for Queenstown. Visitor numbers are nearly back at 2019 levels and the forward outlook for Queenstown is buoyant. On top of this strong demand, we are experiencing significant challenges with staff shortages and this is directly impacting capacity in the region.

The return of visitors in larger numbers to the district has also reignited discussion around community sentiment toward tourism. One of the priorities of the region’s new regenerative tourism strategy is to ensure we balance the needs of our community and our environment alongside welcoming visitors.

With this backdrop in mind, DQ is focusing on attracting high contributing visitors whose values align with ours, that care for our environment, want to stay longer, forging connections with our community and giving back.

To achieve this, we need to evolve DQ’s activity to ensure it aligns with our destination management plan. This means changing the way we have been doing things and asking our partners to work alongside us with this change. We are reviewing our marketing strategy and execution to support delivery of work in line with the regenerative tourism strategy. Our content is starting to evolve to align with this, telling stories of our people and place and supporting a ‘lighthouse’ approach to showcasing our values and priorities as a region.

This will take time to evolve, but there is some exciting work already underway. Our new winter activity, which launches in March in Australia and May in NZ, still firmly positions us as an aspirational winter destination but showcases the special experience people have here rather than the mechanics of a winter holiday.

We also have Love Queenstown launching in April. This a way for both visitors and businesses to give back to our community, supporting climate, conservation and biodiversity initiatives in our region – giving our visitor economy another way to show love of place and give back for future generations.

There is more of our upcoming activity outlined in this newsletter. Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any queries.

Ngā Mihi

Sarah O'Donnell
Marketing and communications director

DQ Winter 2023 Activity 

DQs winter activity will go live in Australia from 1 March. Leveraging TNZs winter campaign, which is in market from 26 February, DQs activity will focus on the upper funnel – dream and plan layers – building brand and driving destination preference. 

The activity will be led by a new winter brand video and supported by written content that dives deeper into our winter story, shining a light on our unique people and place, while highlighting our destinations winter sustainability initiatives and experiences. 

Media will be led by a paid digital and social strategy, supported with premium placements on Connected TV (video on demand), targeting winter lovers and ski enthusiasts, as well as retargeting engaged TNZ audiences along the Eastern Seaboard. 

View the winter plan here to learn more about this activity. 

View the 60 second winter brand video here, or click on the image above.

Video embargoed until 1 March in Australia and 1 May in NZ

Love Queenstown Community Fund Launch

The Love Queenstown Community Fund, in partnership with Lake Wānaka Tourism and the Love Wānaka Community Fund, is the first project to be launched from the Queenstown Lakes regenerative tourism strategy (project #14). 

Launching early April, Love Queenstown is a giving platform focused on raising donations for localised climate, conservation and environmental projects in the Queenstown region, supporting organisations on the ground who are championing this work, as well as funding the innovators and change-makers who are building solutions to achieve a regenerative, carbon zero future in the Queenstown Lakes.

Key activity will include an extended partnership activation at the Queenstown Airport, flag installations around town, physical POS assets for participating members and businesses, as well as a paid digital and social strategy creating awareness of the fund and generating donations via a new microsite on QueenstownNZ.nz. 

Download the Business Information Pack here and keep an eye out for further communications ahead of launch – these communications will include a webinar invite, a business toolkit and additional information on how you can get involved. 

Digital Always-On Activity 

DQ’s always-on digital marketing and social activity means Queenstown has a destination presence in both the domestic and Australian markets year-round, aimed at supporting sustainable demand. The activity and content are designed to shape the destination reputation, sharing stories about our people and place, and attracting likeminded visitors. 

Results YTD from 1 July 2022 – 28 February 2023:

  • Over 1.95M website visits to QueenstownNZ.co.nz (+100% YoY)
  • Over 456,000 member referrals/clicks from QueenstownNZ.co.nz to operator websites (+116% YoY)
  • Conversion rate of 23.3%

'What's On' Event Marketing Campaign

What's on this Autumn

DQ’s event marketing activity will continue throughout autumn with new creative assets promoting a range of events, from large scale multi-day events, through to local community initiatives. Activity is live across Facebook, Instagram and paid search, with seasonal event guides on QueenstownNZ.co.nz.

DQ’s Direct-to-Consumer eDM Platform

DQ's direct-to-consumer email campaigns are tailored to reach domestic, Australian and long-haul audiences with relevant and inspiring content that aligns with their interests. Over summer, we were highlighting activities such as biking, hiking, food and drink, golf, and family-friendly adventures. Moving into the autumn months, many of the summer segments will remain active, with an upweighted focus on food and drink, wellness, and active relaxation. 

Telling your Regenerative Story

DQ is on a mission to uncover and share more stories about our people and place, and the regenerative and sustainability work underway in our region. These stories can be big or small initiatives making a difference for our environment or community. These stories may end up in our ongoing Fortnightly Remarks, turned into blogs and shared through our website and media. For more information, examples, and to tell us your stories head to this form or email Micaela McLeod

How to Leverage DQ’s Marketing Activity

There are multiple ways to leverage and get involved in DQ’s marketing activity:

  1. Ensure your listings on QueenstownNZ.co.nz are up to date. Check open hours and contact details are correct or consider updating imagery and descriptions to suit each season.
  2. Make sure your Google My Business listing is up to date, considering opening days and times, as well as any contact details.
  3. Submit upcoming events to be listed on DQ’s Events hub. It is free to do so and you can load anything from community planting days, local ride nights or Farmers markets.
  4. Send DQ any new imagery and video content to ensure we are using your latest assets in our activity. Please email new content to daniellaj@queenstownNZ.nz
  5. Keep DQ up to date with any new products, sustainability initiatives, or changes to your business – we always love to hear from you and it’s a welcome opportunity to meet the team.
  6. Keep an eye out for the regular Queenstown Connect members workshops where we cover a range of topics to support member capability building.

If you require more information or if you have any questions about DQ’s marketing, please email rubys@queenstownNZ.nz


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